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Anabel Rossi

"Revival" is Happening in Christian Music

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Not a lot of Christian singer-songwriters in the music industry today can say that they have been as vulnerable and heartfelt as country singer-songwriter, Kaitie Wade is. Kaitie dives deep into what her religion looks like during the darkness and declares “breakthrough” in her newest single, “Revival” that was released February 10, 2023. This newest song is Kaitie Wade’s breakout Christian single and it hit Wade’s discography almost four years after Kaitie’s latest single “Vacay” that was released in mid 2019. You can listen to Wade’s recent release on every streaming platform, here.

Throughout “Revival,” the listener is taken on a journey of broken faith becoming pieced back together through prayer, praise and, as the song states, revival. Kaitie’s power in her lyrics and authenticity shines through as soon as the very first notes hit the listener’s ears. Wade’s opening line to the single is an examination of the unseen, questioning to her God if He is listening to her. The chorus paints the listener a picture of faith is is being rebuilt on top of a brand new foundation. Wade declares revival and states that the “dark can’t stay” in the midst of her praise.

Later in the song, “Revival” is displayed by a loud and passionate string section, the depth of these instruments is almost mimicking the power of faith. Kaitie leaves the the listener with a statement filled with command. “You can turn any breakdown into a breakthrough” fills the listener and leaves them with a sense of praise as the song quickly fades off into silence.

Kaitie Wade will continue to explore the genre of Christian music and will always declare “Revival” in a very special way.


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