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Your latest catalog of music has really made an impact on your fans this far. How surprised were you by the reactions of your fans?

Actually, we weren't all that surprised, because all the songs were created in a "baptism of fire," so to speak. Meaning that we tested them live in front of audiences, and if song songs didn't resonate, I kept re-working them until they did. Drove the band members crazy sometimes, but it worked.

Can you share your favorite reaction from a close friend or family member?

One of my favorites was an ex-client of mine (I run a digital marketing agency). They are a husband and wife team who head up an international non-profit (very cool). I sent them the CD and forgot about it. Weeks later, they told me that they had it in their car’s CD player, and listened to it every morning on the way to work! I was blown away, and quite touched.

What happens as an artist when you release new music?

In my experience, whatever you cause to happen. Of course our music is on all the regular channels -- iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc. But two of the best ways we've been able to reach people is with CDs at gigs, and on YouTube. Last year we made a "shut-down" video of 3 different songs:

That meant that we each had to film our parts separately, then assemble it in the video studio. It was challenging, but a lot of fun. And those 3 videos have all received well over 100,000 views on YouTube.

What was the track that took you to a much more elevated place as an artist?

For me, it was Angelina. It was the most difficult song to write and arrange (I rewrote it 6 times!), but it came the closest to the feel I had been trying to achieve: a traditional "salsa" song played with guitar-based instrumentation. I actually wrote an article about the process:

How do you track your progress when it comes to making music?

I like to work on the arrangements live, with the band. Then I'll record them, go back and listen to them, and hear where I think they can be stronger. Rinse and repeat. The final stage is to test them in front of an audience. They will SHOW you what works! :)

Do you make sure you're done with a track first before moving on to the next? Or does it all just mix in together until you're done?

In the recording process, we do all the tracks mixed in together. But the reason we're able to do that is that the songs are already written and arranged before we go into the studio.

What's the impact you want to make with your latest music?

My goal is to have a listener put it in their "playlist." To me, that means they like the music enough to hear it over and over.

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