Frank Fletcher is giving us an insight to his post break up thoughts at the darkest time of the night in his latest single, “Midnights Make Me Crazy.” The 2022 release is the perfect upcoming summer anthem for out by the campfire or while you “cruise around this old town” in the middle of the night.
Fletcher paints a picture of restless nights while he lays awake fighting the demons that haunt him from his latest breakup. As midnights messes with his mind, he questions his sanity as he longs for his past love. In the midnight moonlight, Fletcher belts that he is “doing shots and wishing you’re still here.” A passionate and heart wrenching guitar break and drum build up precedes the final chorus of the song, and Fletcher’s passionate voice continues to radiate until the very last note is struck. Frank displays his vulnerability as he shows the listeners his tactic of distraction from his troubles, laying all of himself out for his fans to relate to and connect with on a very intimate and personal level.
“Midnight Makes Me Crazy” is the 4th single released by Frank Fletcher. He released his first single “Something in the Whiskey” back in 2019 which was followed by his second single, Let’s Party Tonight” just over a month later. That sophomore single is his 2nd overall most popular song on his Spotify discography. “Midnights Makes Me Crazy” is topping Fletcher’s popular ranking with over 19,000 streams on Spotify and only continues to grow in popularity as it reaches new audiences everyday.