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Q & A with MoTruth (Minister Of Truth)

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Tell us about yourself and what you do? My name is Gene Shelby. I’m a husband, a Father and a musical artist/songwriter. So far I’ve traveled throughout the country performing and speaking and I’ve also toured some cities in South America “Peru”

How did you come by your stage name? My wife and I both came up with the stage name MoTruth (Minister Of Truth) by way of researching different biblical verses.

When did you discover your love for your craft and what made you realize you wanted to pursue a career in it? I discovered my love for music at a very young age, I’ve always liked listening to different kinds of music but around the age thirteen is when I fell in love with the hip hop genre and I knew then I wanted to pursue music as a career choice.

Who has inspired you in your life and why? I’ve had quite a few inspiring people in my life but I’ll name one. My wife Jamela Shelby, because of the way she handles business and how she balances things in our home. She has not let her daily battle with a rare illness stop her from reaching her personal goals in life. She’s a fighter. I modeled my life after her’s and although I’m the leader/head of my household I still see her as one of my heroes and inspirations to fight through my own personal battles and to not let anything stop me from reaching my personal goals in life.

On your upcoming project, how did you come up with the concept? The project/concept “STRIVE” was easy because it’s my lifestyle, my pursuit to level up, to do better and to reach not the final goal but the next chapter in my career.

What is your greatest achievement so far? I have a few great achievements but I’ll narrow it down to just one. Signing a record deal with LBMRecords (Legacy Brand Media Records) was a dream come true.

What are some of your greatest challenges, and what is your greatest attribute when it comes to your work ethic? One of my greatest challenges is adjusting to certain things because I’m a routine and very simple type of person. One of my greatest attributes is being a versatile artist through content and sound.

Are you the best at what you do in your opinion? I wouldn’t say I’m the best, I am very confident and good at what I do but, there will always be someone better.

What are your plans for the near future? My plans for the future include continuing in the music industry, diving deeper into learning the music business more and to possibly run my own record label one day.

Is there anyone you’d like to thank, any shout outs? I’d like to thank and shoutout my family for having patience and believing in me, My LBMRecords team for all they have invested into my career, My teammates and fans for all their love and support.

How can fans find you? You can find me by google searching MoTruth or, on any social media platforms.



What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself? My suggestions to other artists is to learn the business, surround yourself with a team of people with the right intentions, always ask questions, stay alert and work hard to be the best at what you’re doing.


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